Since I live on the Yard Crawl route, I decided to take advantage of my front porch. We set up a table with two saw horses and a spare piece of subflooring. I went around my house and collected things I 'd wanted to get rid of. I even tried to get rid of my pink couch. Sadly, it is still with us. Maybe that's a sign that I'm supposed to do something crafty with it?
My mother-in-law also cleaned out her house and brought a plethora of goods (all those free CVS and Rite Aid items) to add to the sale.
My mother-in-law and sister-in-law Theresa took up their posts in rocking chairs on my porch and manned the yard sale table. Thanks to both of them for letting me go out thrifting!
Overall, we made $54.25 and all of it is going towards our family apple picking weekend in October. I can hardly wait!
Even cooler, Mom and Theresa met an older lady who lives in town and used to come to the Sandwich Shoppe when she was a little girl. Only when she came, it used to be an ice cream parlor. How neat is that? So far, we've heard that our house was a sandwich shoppe, a tea shoppe, and an ice cream parlor. I'd like to do some research and find out more. Hopefully, I can track this woman down. I don't know her name or where she lives, but I'll keep you posted.
While Mom and Theresa manned the porch, Mrs. 5C, Mrs. Longbrake Living, and I went out and hit the sale yards.
Whoops... I mean the yard sales. It was fun to meet up with Mrs. Longbrake Living after reading her blog for the past year. We had a blast! We even took baby Colton and baby Joseph with us! And they behaved. Mostly. Up until the end. When baby Joseph decided that, like any self-respecting male, he didn't want to do any more shopping. And he had to let his Aunt Sarah know about it. Loudly.
Here's what I got...
An antique Dominion electric desk fan, produced circa 1945-1950. I found the same model fan fully restored by this dealer. It sold for $149. My fan was originally priced at $10, but I bargained down to $7. I had to have it. It was just so gosh darned cute! And it works!! We might lose our fingers, but those aren't important...
A matching set of 3 Wonder Shredders, circa 1930, each with a different size grate. They are great (ha) because they sit across the top of a bowl and they nest in each other. I found a vintage kitchen antiques dealer selling one of these for $11 online. I found this entire set for $10, but bargained down to $5!
Two milk glass knock off bowls for $1. I tried to just get the one on the left for 50 cents, but was unsuccessful. I don't really like the one on the right. Anyone want it?
A tall case which looks like it could hold two wine bottles inside. I want it for my future map themed room. It looks like a Ross knock off to me, but I like it. It was priced at $2. I offered the guy $1.50, but he didn't like change so he said he'd sell it to me for $1. Twist my arm. I also got a very old, very worn, well loved book of Christian Hymns, published in Suffolk, VA in 1870. It was owned by a Dorothy Wilson and she scribbled the name of my town under her name in the front cover. I had to have it. It was priced at $10, but I bargained down to $4.
A set of 3 mats for picture frames - 25 cents each. At some point, they were $3.50 a piece.
Five "Perfect Mason" jars, 50 cents each. I like them because they have the vintage lids. I'm contemplating what I might want to fill them with. Any ideas?
And an old bottle crate, originally $5, but I got it for $2. I think the side of the wooden crate says, "PEPS". Maybe for PEPSI? I'm not sure. Any better guesses?
Two ginormous picture frames with mats - $3 a piece (An estimated $40 a piece at Big Lots for a similar sized frame).

Overall, we made $54.25 and all of it is going towards our family apple picking weekend in October. I can hardly wait!
Even cooler, Mom and Theresa met an older lady who lives in town and used to come to the Sandwich Shoppe when she was a little girl. Only when she came, it used to be an ice cream parlor. How neat is that? So far, we've heard that our house was a sandwich shoppe, a tea shoppe, and an ice cream parlor. I'd like to do some research and find out more. Hopefully, I can track this woman down. I don't know her name or where she lives, but I'll keep you posted.
While Mom and Theresa manned the porch, Mrs. 5C, Mrs. Longbrake Living, and I went out and hit the sale yards.
Whoops... I mean the yard sales. It was fun to meet up with Mrs. Longbrake Living after reading her blog for the past year. We had a blast! We even took baby Colton and baby Joseph with us! And they behaved. Mostly. Up until the end. When baby Joseph decided that, like any self-respecting male, he didn't want to do any more shopping. And he had to let his Aunt Sarah know about it. Loudly.
Here's what I got...
An antique Dominion electric desk fan, produced circa 1945-1950. I found the same model fan fully restored by this dealer. It sold for $149. My fan was originally priced at $10, but I bargained down to $7. I had to have it. It was just so gosh darned cute! And it works!! We might lose our fingers, but those aren't important...
A matching set of 3 Wonder Shredders, circa 1930, each with a different size grate. They are great (ha) because they sit across the top of a bowl and they nest in each other. I found a vintage kitchen antiques dealer selling one of these for $11 online. I found this entire set for $10, but bargained down to $5!
Two milk glass knock off bowls for $1. I tried to just get the one on the left for 50 cents, but was unsuccessful. I don't really like the one on the right. Anyone want it?
A tall case which looks like it could hold two wine bottles inside. I want it for my future map themed room. It looks like a Ross knock off to me, but I like it. It was priced at $2. I offered the guy $1.50, but he didn't like change so he said he'd sell it to me for $1. Twist my arm. I also got a very old, very worn, well loved book of Christian Hymns, published in Suffolk, VA in 1870. It was owned by a Dorothy Wilson and she scribbled the name of my town under her name in the front cover. I had to have it. It was priced at $10, but I bargained down to $4.
A set of 3 mats for picture frames - 25 cents each. At some point, they were $3.50 a piece.
Five "Perfect Mason" jars, 50 cents each. I like them because they have the vintage lids. I'm contemplating what I might want to fill them with. Any ideas?
And an old bottle crate, originally $5, but I got it for $2. I think the side of the wooden crate says, "PEPS". Maybe for PEPSI? I'm not sure. Any better guesses?
Two ginormous picture frames with mats - $3 a piece (An estimated $40 a piece at Big Lots for a similar sized frame).
I'll let you know when and how I use all of the above around the house.
My grand total - $29.25. Not too shabby. I think it was a very successful thrifting day... Plus, I discovered that I really like to haggle. A lot. A lot a lot. It makes it so much more thrilling when you purchase an item for less than it's been priced at!
So, ladies, I'd be happy to go thrifting with you any time! I can't wait until next year's Yard Crawl!
Yes! Let's do it again!
ReplyDeleteAlso, how did I miss the post in my google reader? And Colton was crying too at the end, you just couldn't hear him over Joseph. He's just such a pathetic crier.
Okay, just went to put Colton down and had an idea! Green Valley Book Fair. You, me, Sarah (?), Colton and Joseph, if he decides shopping isn't abhorrent.
Also, ADORE the hymnbook. My official favorite yard sale find.
ReplyDeleteWe HAVE to do it again!!! AND the book fair!!!
ReplyDeleteThis for some reason didn't appear in my google reader either?
I love that fan. I'm so glad you got it!! Rob is very jealous, "Wait! Why didn't you get a cool old fan??" I didn't know Rob was in the market! But next year... finger eating fan for Rob! :)
I still love you, Mr. Joseph. Even if you protested the shopping. ;) I still wanted to kiss your little angry baby cheeks.
Great finds!! I loveee yard sales for antique things! I found a wooden tray like yours at a rummage sale but it had a hugeeee dead bug in it and so it stopped me from buying it because I was scared it was still alive and would jump out at me lol!
ReplyDeleteThat's so awesome you guys have a yardcrawl!
I am glad you liked my bench :) I love love love it now.