Earlier this week, I spent some time with the folks fixing up the house across the street from us. They are a husband/wife team who buy properties, fix them up, and then rent or sell them. They are doing an excellent job with their house. They are also very friendly and easy to get to know. They offered to let us borrow some of their tools every now and then if we need some help. They were kind enough to lend me their power miter saw - I'll get to that in another post once I've figured out how to use it and completed my project.
Anyways - the wife is a retired high school art teacher and her daughter is currently going through student teaching right now. We hit it off very quickly and had a long conversation about the first year of teaching and some of the management/discipline problems her daughter has been having. You can't be too mean as a first year teacher - that's why I'm a crappy first year teacher. I'm way too nice. I'm working on that and I get to start over with a new set of students in January. Poor dears. They will inherit all of my wrath and frustrations from this semester.
When my neighbor came by to drop off the miter saw, she also brought this:

Someone gave it to her when she was in her first year of teaching. It makes me crack up because it is so close to the truth!
I completely agree with her!