Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Hall Curtains Match My Blog

Branching off of the upstairs landing, there's a small hallway with built in shelving:


A month ago, those shelves were overflowing with cluttered books & random junk. I've been on a "Goodwill NEEDS this thing!" spree. I'd say it's going pretty darn well. Eventually, I want to decorate the shelving with pretty things & hide not so pretty things in snazzy little baskets or bins. For now, though, I am taking advantage of some free hand-me-down curtains that just so happened to match the hallway walls (and, strangely, my blog):

I was on my way to paint Joseph's big boy room when I had a sudden whim to hang those curtains without delay. Fifteen minutes later, I had a completely different hall. Nevermind the fact that I didn't have any curtain rods on hand...

That's what 1x2s are for.


  1. hey, that works perfectly!! and so funny that they match! i am totally envious of that storage space, by the way. also - i do that same thing - i have a project in mind but then this other thing must be done RIGHT NOW! :)

  2. That is crazy how well they match your blog! I really like that pattern! And I love you and your 1x2 deviousness. :)

  3. I was going to grouse about, "where did you find such an adorable hou-" Then I realized that you're one of those people who could probably make a cardboard box adorable. Using 1X2s.


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