Do you remember the addition?? No? That's ok, because I haven't posted about it in quite some time. If you want to catch up, you can read all about it HERE.
The addition lies through this sketchtastic doorway in the nursery. Yes. I know. The doorway is in desperate need of some moulding! It's on our list.
With the help of our FANTASTIC relatives, we started building the addition about three and a half months ago, and, guess what?
That little yellow slip on the window? It says:
The framing is all done!! FINALLY!!!
Since we have no real building credentials, we were kind of holding our breath. But we passed! Thanks to all of the wonderful family members who knew what they were doing!! We couldn't have done it without your trouble shooting skills and manly hammer wielding abilities. (And, yes, we are aware that it is very sad that we are just now getting around to our first building inspection.)
Things move a little slowly around here what with the baby and EIGHT MILLION OTHER OPEN PROJECTS. We have severe project ADD, but I have banned the opening of any new projects until ALL of our current projects are completed.
The framing for the entry stairs and shower plumbing/closet was recently completed:
And we really have to thank Stephen's Dad and his sister Theresa. Your help is incredibly valued and appreciated! You guys ROCK!
So maybe in another three and half months, I'll report back with another update? We have to put in the plumbing and the electrical wiring before our next inspection. Should be fun!
See how enthusiastic I am?
Yippee for passing inspections!! So happy for you. That's always a bit of a stressor, and you should be so proud. We always hold our breath when inspectors come to visit.