Thursday, November 5, 2009

Photoshop Fun: New Lighting

The Professor is pretty handy when it comes to photoshop. We were trying to figure out what we should replace some of our downstairs lighting with and he photoshopped in a few options:

Kitchen Option 1:
Kitchen Option 2:
Kitchen Option 3:
We decided on Option 3 for the kitchen for several reasons. The dark brassy look goes with our hardware, the style goes well with our house, and the fan is a dark enough reddish color that it goes with our cabinets.

Then we're thinking of replacing our dinky little light in the big front hallway with this:I'm so excited!

1 comment:

  1. oooo!
    Good choice on the fan and I LOVE the chandelier!!!
    That's one of the great things about your house, you can get away with fancy, grand things like that. :)


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