Saturday, October 17, 2009

Demolishing A "Bathroom"

There was once a tiny little bathroom in the corner of the Sandwich Shoppe kitchen space. I'm sure that long ago, the bathroom was workable - but when we bought the house, it was simply scary.

The entrance to the bathroom:
You would actually have to step over a board to get through the doorway. It was built kind of like the doorways on ships - above the actual ground.

The back wall of the bathroom:
And the amenities of the bathroom:
Ick. Don't worry. That's just rain water and leaves.

Now, this is the bathroom without the surrounding walls:
Only the pipes are left to give you an idea of where the walls used to be:
The sink came down with the wall. Pop & Uncle Steve removed the toilet.
To the giant debris pile that has since magically disappeared:

They cut & capped the pipes until we decide to use them again and then the Professor shoveled out all of the broken boards, walls, & other crap:
Now all that's left in that corner is broken concrete. It will be excited to see how we install a new bathroom in the future. The distant, far off future.

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